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If You See a Sea Turtle

If you observe an adult sea turtle or hatchling sea turtles on the beach, please adhere to the following rules and guidelines:

  1. It is normal for sea turtles to be crawling on the beach on summer nights. DO NOT report normal crawling or nesting (digging or laying eggs) activity on the published SEA TURTLE EMERGENCY cell phone unless the animal is in a dangerous situation (on a road, in parking lot, etc.) or has wandered off the beach.
  2. Stay away from crawling or nesting sea turtles. Although the urge to observe closely will be great, please resist. Nesting is a critical stage in the sea turtle's life cycle. Please leave them undisturbed. Use of lights can interfere with nesting turtles. Please refrain from using any and all lights including flashlights, camera lights and flash photography.
  3. DO REPORT all stranded (dead, injured, or apparently healthy) turtles to the SEA TURTLE EMERGENCY cellphone. Report all turtles that have not moved for 30 minutes or longer.
  4. NEVER handle hatchling sea turtles. Only if you observe hatchlings wandering away from the ocean or off the beach should you call the SEA TURTLE EMERGENCY cell phone immediately!
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